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Board President Interview
Excerpt from our Network video - "A little over 14 years ago, I lost my dad to suicide. A friend gave me information about the Barb Smith Suicide Resource Network and I decided to attend my first...
Michigan Resident Dies by Suicide Every 6 Hours
Check out this compelling interview with WNEMTV5news. Thank you to Ben's family for sharing him with us. We're going to make change for other people....
State Releases Suicide Prevention Commission Initial Report
State Press Release - Initial Report...
City of Saginaw Highlights Network
Upcoming Suicide Prevention Training Week
Please join us for Michigan's Suicide Prevention Training Week! We challenge you to make the time to learn these life saving skills. More information is coming; please join in the effort. Be sure to...
Barrett Pennix Memorial Fishing Tournament
Thank you to the family and friends of Barrett Penix for raising $5,000 to help us work toward zero suicides and care for those impacted by a death to suicide. They recently held a fishing...